Young Enterprise Scotland
Circular Economy Challenge

Young Enterprise Scotland’s mission is to inspire young people to learn and succeed through enterprise. Its Circular Economy Challenge is an exciting and innovative educational project which will prepare the enterprising young minds of today for the economy of tomorrow. A Circular Economy model, which eliminates waste, reduces dependency on rapidly depleting natural resources and addresses the carbon impact of production, is essential to prevent future shortages of food, water and housing.
Over a ten week period, young people will take part in a ‘learning by doing’ experience which introduces them to the Circular Economy and allows them to make and market their own product or service which adheres to Circular Economy principles. Working in teams of six - eight, they will design their product or service; select a company name and job roles; create branding and marketing materials and design a business plan and pitch. At the end of the ten weeks, each Company will present their product to a panel of judges at a Dragon’s Den style ‘Pitch Event’ at their school.
This will allow young people to demonstrate their ‘business’ ideas and their learning over the course of the project. The five top scoring pitches will be invited to take part in a Showcase Circular Economy Challenge Pitch Event.
Visit the Young Enterprise Scotland website (opens in a new window).